Baptisms are held on most Sundays of the year after the 11:15AM Mass. If you prefer to have your child’s baptism scheduled during Mass, you may request this at the time you return the baptism information form. Requests for the date and time specified will be honored to the extent possible. Parents who have not yet received pre-baptismal instruction are required to attend Baptismal Preparation Class. This class is held four to six times per year. Call the Parish Office well in advance so that class arrangements can be made.
Preparation for First Eucharist usually is done at the 2nd grade level. Second graders are prepared either in preparation classes. For older children who have not yet made their First Communion, special arrangements will need to be made for preparation
The sacrament of reconciliation is available on Tuesdays in church from 4:30 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. In addition communal celebrations of the sacrament are held during Advent and Lent each year. The sacrament can also be available by making an individual appointment with the parish priest.
Preparation for First Reconciliation usually is done at the 2nd grade level. Second graders are prepared in separate preparation classes. For older children who have not yet made their First Reconciliation, special arrangements will need to be made for preparation
Communal Parish Penance Service with Father Joby to be announced
Confirmation is often defined as a sacrament of mature Christian commitment. It is the occasion when young people baptized as infants put their “personal signature” on their parents’ decision. The confirmation preparation program is open to all high school students, and is a series of meetings that take place during the school year.
Older adults who have not yet been confirmed often attend RCIA as a method of preparation. More information here.
Sacrament of Anointing/Ministry to the Sick
In an emergency, call the parish office at any time. Please contact the parish office to receive the Eucharist if you or a loved one are hospitalized, or are confined to home or a nursing facility. Hospitals and healthcare facilities no longer routinely inform churches when a parishioner is admitted.
Contact our office9 to 12 months in advance of your anticipated weddng. Engaged couples are assigned to a sponsor couple and asked to begin to prepare for marriage at least six (6) months prior to the wedding date.
Holy Orders
Those considering entering the priesthood or a religious vocation, please contact our Pastor or the Archdiocesan Vocations Office at 317-236-1490